-In 2021 I started learning about the effects of GLYPHOSATE (the main chemical in weed killer) on the human body. I reached out to the national non profit "Non Toxic Neighborhoods". With their help, I hope to encourage cities to transition to organic land care. In general I hope to educate more people about the importance of organic living.
When was GLYPHOSATE created?
-The herbicide was discovered in 1970 by Monsanto chemist John E. Franz. This led to glyphosate being patented as an herbicide in 1971.
I can't afford to buy organic products - what can I do?
-We understand some organic products can be more expensive. Start incorporating a few organic choices when you can do so. One of the ways we can reduce the cost of organic products is by increasing the demand of them.
Where is Girls Against Glyphosate located?
-We are in Central Florida! Though, with this being a nationwide health issue we work with and support national non profits relating to our cause.